Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Rodeo bento

Rodeo bento, originally uploaded by texasmomof4.
As you can probably conclude from my posts I take themes from our life for inspiration in bento.  Last night we took the kids to see the Ft. Worth stock show and rodeo.  The kids had such a wonderful time watching the bullriding and seeing all the animals I carried the theme over into lunch to bring a smile to their day.  The onigiri is cumin flavored with food coloring to give the nice brown color with a southwest pork filling.


Lia Chen said...

Love this theme! Any story behind it? hehehe ... The apple is nicely cut :)

Texasmomof4 said...

Hello Lia,
Thank you for the sweet comment. We took the kids to see the rodeo so we just had to follow up the next day with a rodeo theme lunch.