Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hello Kitty

Hello Kitty, originally uploaded by texasmomof4.
It's a cold rainy day in Texas today so I sent a little warmth to school today.  Kids love ravioli which is very filling and includes a full serving of vegetables so I added a small side car of fresh fruit and carrots.  The little kitten is an adorable marshmallow we found in the valentine section of the grocery store.  (The boys have the same lunch with a frog prince marshmallow)  My daughter has decided that everything should be dipped into peanut butter, carrots, strawberries, grapes the works so the pink heart container contains a dab of peanut butter. 


Arm70 said...

You make the prettiest bentos girl. I think they ROCK!!

Arm70 said...

I started a blog months ago and then left it go. I went to it today and found you as a follower! I posted one I did this week. Sorry I've been so lame about keeping up with it!

Angi said...

You have some of the cutest bento gear I've seen. Love all your picks and sauce cups!